Builder Toolkit is a set of tools helping level builders with convenient functionalities for selection, transformation and edition.

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  • Selection
  • Transform
  • Edit

Selection allows you to easily select actors in your scene with filters. For example: select all actors with the tag « trigger » and a minimum size of 300 units.

Transform gives you the possibility to move, rotate and scale a group of actor relatively to a pivot you previously defined. You can also quickly mirror actors in any axis.

Edit helps you to quickly rename, add prefix or tags to one or multiple actors in a scene at the same time.


Click Install to Engine from your vault.
Then open your project and go to Edit > Plugins.
You will find BuilderToolkit under the Installed category.
Simply check Enabled and you are good to go.


There are two ways to access Builder Toolkit window 

  • From Main Menu : Toolkits > Builder Toolkit
  • From Icons toolbar


There are two selection actions with their own filters.
All filters are cumulative.

Select all

Select all actors corresponding defined filters.

  • StaticMeshActors only : Select StaticMeshActor(s)
  • Duplicates : For each StaticMeshActor if another one exists in the scene sharing the same mesh, location, rotation and scale this other actor is considered a duplicate and is selected.
  • Name : Select each actor with a label containing the name.
  • Tag : Select each actor with the specified tag.
  • Min Size : Select each actor with bounds taller than the min size.
  • Max Size : Select each actor with bounds smaller than the max size.

Select from current selection

Select each actor corresponding defined filters relatively to selected actors.

  • Same class : Select each actor sharing class with current selection.
  • Same mesh : Select each StaticMeshActor sharing the same mesh with the currently selected StaticMeshActor(s).
  • Distance : Select all actors within a certain distance of the current selection.


  • Select pivot actor : If you want to set an actor as pivot for your transformations: select it and press Set from selection.
  • Apply transformations : Choose values you want to apply to your current selection then press Apply transformations to modify selected actors.If you previously checked Duplicate selection the transformations will be applied to a copy of your current selection.
  • Mirror : You can quickly apply a mirror transformation in all axis.

Align / Distribute / Orient

  • Along the axis : Move your selection along the axis to the editor pivot (usually the last selected item).
  • Between two actors : Select Start and End actors and apply transformations to your selection along the vector connecting those two actors.
  • Extremities : Same as Between two actors but automaticallychoosing Start and End based on the extremities of your selection.


  • Rename : Change the label for each selected actor.
  • Add prefix : Add a prefix in the label of each selected actor.
  • Set tags : Set tags of selected actors. You can add multiple tags by separating each of them by a comma.
Catégories : PluginUE4

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